Thursday, November 14, 2013

Ain't no party like an underpants party...

 Maeve (my three year old)has just finished using the bathroom and has come out holding her pants and undies.  Join me, friends, as I document another Maeve vs underwear adventure!!

 She is currently holding her underwear in front of her and stomping her foot over and over (and over) missing the leg hole. She has now fallen over and pulled them up. Alas. They are backwards.

As I tell her to put them on the right way, she crumples to the ground crying "Noooooooooo!" Darth Vader style.

Aaand they're off again. (It amazes me that it takes a MILLISECOND for her to take clothes off and an ETERNITY to put them on again.) Now she is swinging them around her head with one hand saying "Moooom! I can't put them on!"

 It has been 5 minutes since she got out of the bathroom.

Bare bottomed, she has decided to take a break from this exhausting venture to destroy a pair of her brother's plastic handcuffs. Awesome. Can't wait for him to find out! At least we are getting things accomplished here.

We now have marching with the underwear being swung like a colorguard flag. I'm so proud she's following in my footsteps. "Maeve. Put your underwear on. PLEASE!" 

Now she's brushing her hair.

  Ten minutes in.

 She is now hunting for the tag so she knows where the back is. She has turned them inside out pulled them up on one leg and asks, "Mama, are you happy?" as she flings her undies across the room.

Running across the room to retrieve them, she somehow slams her cheek into the corner of the couch. "I HUUURT MYSELF!!" she says through crocodile tears. Five seconds later she's fine.  

15 minutes in, btw.

 She is now taking her socks OFF instead of putting her underwear ON. What. The. Hell.

 "Maeve, pick your underwear up."

She picks up a crayon.


 She picks them up and puts them on her head, starts singing a remix of "We Are the Dinosaurs" and "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star," and runs into the kitchen returning with two pieces of gum. "One for me and one for my brother."

 I say "You are not having gum right now."

She says, "After I get dressed."

 Oh good! Motivation!

 20 minutes in
Finally, by the grace of all things holy...we have tushy to undies contact!!!

 The clouds have parted and the sunbeams are streaming down. In the distance I hear a resounding chorus of angels singing sweetly...

Oh. Nope. Not angels. That's just Max and Ruby starting. (Where the hell are their parents, by the way? Did I miss that episode? Cuz I'm pretty sure I've seen them all.)


30 seconds later I smugly stride to the kitchen and brew a cup of coffee. Shaking my head and smiling I hear the padding of stocking feet...

"MOOOOOOM!" she says, 
"I have to pee."

 Good. God.
Yes that is half a roll of TP in the toilet. But her pants are on!!!!

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